
Friday, June 8, 2012

Stuffed Omelet

Prepare the perfect omelet stuffed with very easy, you only need to comply with certain technology. So, cook the eggs, filling for omelets, skillet, cooking oil and fork...

Break the eggs into a bowl, stir it and pour in the heated pan. Do not stop whisking the eggs, do it quickly back of the fork, turning constantly with a frying pan in different directions. This is done to prevent the formation of large protein flakes. Beat for 20-30 seconds, about the time the eggs begin to thicken, and fasten.

Once you stop stirring the eggs, scrambled eggs will thicken around the edges, but the middle will remain liquid. At this point the back of the forks give maximum flat as possible, the surface of scrambled eggs, lightly crushing him. Reduce heat and keep an omelet before the final cooking.

Lay the middle of the omelet prepared stuffing - it might be a ham, diced, grated cheese, green onions and other foods and vegetables of your choice. Turn off the fire.

Using fork, lift one edge of the omelet and bend it toward the center. Do the same with the other edge. Omelete will have an extended form, so make sure that the omelet was filling evenly distributed over its entire length.

Holding the fork, put an omelet into portions dish seam down.

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